Sprogkonferencen 2017

ECML konference: Sprog, Kultur og Arbejdsliv

Rethink: Sproglige og (inter)kulturelle kompetencer i uddannelsen og på arbejdspladsen

Den 25. september 2017 afholdte ECML Kontaktpunkt Danmark den årlige sprogkonference, dette år med titlen Sprog, Kultur og Arbejdsliv.

Sprog, Kultur og Arbejdsliv

Den 25. september 2017 blev årets ECML sprogkonference afholdt på Dokk1 i Aarhus. Årets konference tog udgangspunkt i, hvad sprog- og kulturkompetencer betyder i arbejdslivet og på arbejdspladsen, og mulige tilgange til læring i uddannelsessystemet, der kan føre til succesfuld mestring af disse kompetencer. Hvilke pædagogiske og faglige udfordringer møder det multikulturelle og multisproglige samfund? Hvordan kan kommende generationer få viden og indsigt, der gør dem kompetente i forhold til virksomhedernes og uddannelsessystemets behov for sproglig og kulturel kompetence hos medarbejdere og undervisere?

Dagen bød på Jo Angouris keynote Language at Work, hvorefter aktører fra uddannelsessystemet og erhvervslivet gav korte oplæg baseret på egne erfaringer både om behov, eksisterende undervisningstilgange og nye måder at tænke tilegnelse af sproglig og kulturel kompetence.

Eftermiddagen bød på roundtables, hvor alle fik mulighed for at deltage i diskussioner af formiddagens oplæg og komme med input til, hvordan uddannelsessystemet kan forholde sig til den sproglige og kulturelle diversitet, som fremtidens medarbejdere skal kunne håndtere. Dagen afsluttedes med overrækkelsen af den Europæiske Sprogpris.

Deltagelse var gratis og i løbet af dagen blev der budt på frokost og kaffe.

Keynote speaker 2017: Jo Angouri

The politics of talk at work: Negotiating membership and fitting in

Jo Angouri - a Reader and Director of Undergraduate Studies in Applied Linguistics, University of Warwick, UK
Jo Angouri is Reader and Director of Undergraduate Studies in Applied Linguistics at the University of Warwick, UK and a Visiting Distinguished Professor at Aalto University, School of Business. Her research expertise is in sociolinguistics, pragmatics and discourse analysis. She has carried out research in a range of corporate and institutional contexts and her work concerns both online and face-to-face interaction.
She has published work on language and identity as well as teamwork and leadership in medical settings. She has edited a special issue on Multilingualism in the Workplace (Multilingua, 2014) and co-edited one on Euro/crisis Discourses for Discourse & Society (with Ruth Wodak, 2014). Jo is currently working on a monograph on Culture in the Workplace and has recently edited a volume on ‘Negotiating Boundaries at Work’ (with Meredith Marra and Janet Holmes, EUP). Her work also includes a multidisciplinary project on migration and access to the labour market.


The politics of talk at work: negotiating membership and fitting in
The modern workplace is transient and diverse. Employees are expected to work in teams and to operate at the interface of linguistic, professional and geographical boundaries. In this paper I draw on ongoing and completed work and I unpack the complexities of crossing borders. I take a sociolinguistic perspective and argue that transitions are negotiated in discourse (Angouri, Marra and Holmes, 2017).
Moving between teams (or jobs, countries and professions) involves managing multiple different norms and ways of doing in enacting professional roles and identities. Employees negotiate belonging and index group membership, or the opposite, in daily life at work which has implications for claiming, and being accepted or not, as ‘one of us’. I pay special attention to the relationship between language policy and language practice and the process of ‘fitting in’ in different professional contexts.

Billeder fra Sprogkonferencen 2017

Oplæg fra Sprogkonferencen 2017

  • Plenum: Sprog, Kultur og Flersproglighed fra forskellige vinkler